Workout Bun (No Bobby Pins!) | Gym + Sports Hairstyles

Hey everyone! How has your week been? Today I’m showing you a bun which is great for people who have long, thick hair and have trouble getting it to stay in up while working out/playing sport. Since my hair is pretty short at the moment (just got it cut again today.) I’m going to showContinue reading “Workout Bun (No Bobby Pins!) | Gym + Sports Hairstyles”

DIY Braided Messy Bun

Hello everyone! Today I’m going to be showing you how to do this super quick hairstyle that I’ve been loving to wear this summer. It’s really easy to do on yourself, and works really great for those of us with layers. All you need to know how to do is a basic three-strand braid! DifficultyContinue reading “DIY Braided Messy Bun”

Super Easy DIY Half-Up

Hey everyone! Today I have a super simple hairstyle for all of the beginners out there! It only takes a minute or two to do, and you’ll have a super pretty hairstyle! This half-up bun is perfect for when you want to get your hair out of your face but still want to have someContinue reading “Super Easy DIY Half-Up”

Rope Twisted Messy Bun | Hairstyles for Bad Hair Days

Hi everybody! Today I’m showing you an easy updo you can do when you’re having a bad hair day, or if you have hard-to-manage hair. This is of course perfect for any hair type, but it’s just an especially great one for those bad hair days when your hair is an absolute mess and youContinue reading “Rope Twisted Messy Bun | Hairstyles for Bad Hair Days”

DIY Quick Fancy Updo | Holiday Hairstyle

Hey everyone! Merry Christmas!! I hope you all had a fabulous day yesterday and enjoyed yourself on Boxing Day today! I came up with the hairstyle yesterday for Christmas when the weather climbed to the high 30s early in the morning. There was no way I could wear my hair down in that heat andContinue reading “DIY Quick Fancy Updo | Holiday Hairstyle”

Knotted Pigtail Bun | College Hairstyle

Hello everyone! December has finally come, which means school is almost out for Christmas break! The hairstyle I’m showing you all today is the fifth entry to my college hairstyle series. It’s a unique messy-bun that will look good for Christmas parties or for relaxing winter days. Difficulty level: intermediate Time needed: 10 minutes ItemsContinue reading “Knotted Pigtail Bun | College Hairstyle”

Dutch Braided Half-up Bun

Hi everyone! I’m here today with a fairly casual and relaxed hairstyle. A basic dutch braided messy bun, in a nice half-up. It can easily be dressed up or down and is perfect as one of those ‘running late, but still want to have a nice hair’ type hairstyles, if you know what I mean.Continue reading “Dutch Braided Half-up Bun”